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Descendants of Jan Aalbertsz van Santen
- Descendancy
- The → descendancy describes the
descendants of Jan Aalbertsz van Santen, born IJsselstein 1701.
- Abbreviations in the Index: * born; ~ baptism;
† deceased; ‡ buried/funeral/lost;
< at latest; > at earliest; ± about (may be one year less).
Information about living persons is omitted for privacy
The Dutch version contains additional information about the parents of partners.
Sources for the first editions are from J. Achterberg, V. Brans, G.J. van Eijk,
Genlias (replaced by WieWasWie), M. Heikamp, P. van Iperen
Hagestein, M. van Kessel - Scheffers, W. Koene, M. Kommer,
mrs. N. van Oort-Klaver, H. Otterspoor (doc),
Eugéne van der Pijll,
L. van Santen - Bergmaier en T. van Zanten - Schoutese.
- Descendancy "Parenteel Jan Aalbers van Santen (IJsselstein)" in the collection of Mrs. L. van Santen - Bergmaier.
- Descendancy on,
by Mrs. W.A. Rönitz - van Santen.